How My Client Added 102 Members to Her Membership in a Week and a Half

Making changes in your business can be nerve-racking. There’s a lot to think about, logistics to coordinate, and then the anxiety of knowing whether or not it’s the right move… Especially if it has something to do with your pricing.

This is exactly what I recently helped one of my CMO Partnership clients with.

She has a membership and knew it was time to increase the price but she wanted to be really strategic about it because her audience is extremely budget conscious.

That meant we needed to come up with a serious game plan on how we should roll this out.

Here’s the process we went through to help her not only successfully increase her prices but get 102 members into her membership leading up to the change.

Competitive Analysis

A lot of us think you look at your competitors when you first start your business to find your differentiators but honestly, this is something you should keep an eye on regularly… especially if you’re planning on making a change in your business.

Knowing that my client’s audience is budget conscious and the fact they have other options out there (both direct and somewhat indirect competitors), I knew we needed to dig into her competitors once again to see how we could best illustrate the immense value she offers and position her in a way that highlights that.

Here’s what I found in my analysis:

  • The price of her membership (even the increased price) is much less than one visit with a specialist and they get so much more for the price

  • Her competitors do a good job outlining everything people get in their programs

  • They all infuse credentials and social proof, that are not testimonials, really well (percentage of people that feel better with their program, etc.)

  • Some of her competitors do a good job making their audience feel seen and understood but make slightly misleading claims

  • My client’s membership provides so much more value than any of her competitors, in terms of all the features they have access too and the results people get

Sales Page

Using the information we gathered during the competitive analysis, I knew we needed to update the sales page on her website to reflect how much value she offers for such an affordable price (even if it feels like a lot of money to her target market).

I created a wireframe for her to follow when updating the website and this also gives her a good framework to use when actively marketing her membership on social media, her email marketing, etc. so she’s creating a consistent message and frequently reminding her audience how much value they get in the membership as well as how effective her method is through various social proof.

A few key factors I wanted us to highlight:

  • Everything people get in the membership (this was not highlighted before)

  • Her proven method backed by science and why it’s so effective

  • Social proof: Adding how many people are already in the membership and statistics on when people can expect to see results

  • How the price of her membership compares to other practitioners and memberships

Launch Plan

Once we had the sales page all set, it was time to create a comprehensive launch plan. Essentially the plan was to promote the increase in price to get people to sign up for the membership prior to the price increase — And the week and a half push before the price increase is where she added 102 members.

The launch plan included all the logistics she needed to take care of for the price change including:

  • Create a series of emails for 6 months that help guide people through the membership content to help them stay consistent (this is part of our retention plan)

  • Update her workshops she uses as her lead magnets

  • Update her cancellation policy

While she worked on the logistics, she was also starting to implement our pre-launch plan which primarily focused on telling people a price change was coming here and there.

Then about a week and a half before the price change took effect was a massive push to get new members into the membership using a full launch strategy. We mapped out what type of content she would share each day leading up to the price change to help funnel people into conversion. This included both Instagram posts, Stories, and email marketing.

The Results

In the week and a half launch period, she had 102 new members join.

She does already have a large social media following (32k followers) and email list (5.2k subscribers) that are very engaged, which is why you didn’t see me mention that we had to warm her audience up and/or grow her audience prior to the price change.

Post-Launch Plan

We know that after this huge increase, she’s going to see her sign ups level out to what they were prior to this launch so now we’re focused on 2 main things:

  1. Retention of all her members

  2. Consistently highlighting the value in her membership, how it compares to other options, and continuing to highlight all the amazing social proof she gets on a regular basis to get new members into the membership

We are both thrilled with how this launch went!
(Seriously, check out some of our Slack convos during the big push) 👇


We still may need to make some tweaks to her sales page and strategy moving forward as we collect more data, but so far her marketing and messaging is working really well so I’m excited to see her membership continue to grow and watch her help her members achieve what they could have only once dreamt of!

Looking for marketing support like this? Let’s chat to see which of my packages might be the best fit for you!


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