PR Clippings

Your public relations strategy plays an important role in your overall marketing strategy because it has cascading effects on a variety of marketing efforts.

First and foremost, obtaining mentions in credible publications helps introduce your brand to new audiences within your target market and also helps build credibility with your existing audience when you share about this press.

But some of the unexpected benefits of a PR strategy include:

  • Backlinks to your website from high authority domains which helps with your SEO strategy

  • Provides you content to share with your audience

  • Opens new opportunities for your brand through potential speaking opportunities, partnerships, and additional press

A lot of small businesses feel like PR is unobtainable for them because it can be difficult to get your foot in the door. If you feel like there, here are some of my best tips for getting national press for your small business. (And yes, all of these PR clippings were secured using these strategies.)

Here’s a look at some of the press I’ve secured for my own brands as well as a few clients:


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