5 Ways To Keep a Growth Mindset in Times of Uncertainty

Uncertainty is high right now causing a lot of stress and fear. We’re all kicking into survival mode and trying our best to prepare for anything to come. But stress and living in a fearful state can actually lower our immune systems and wreak havoc on our own sanity. I know it’s hard to stay positive and approach things from a place of abundance at times like this (and we don’t all have that luxury or privilege) but I do wanted to give you a few easy and actionable ways you can not only take care of yourself to also how you can try to keep a positive attitude and mindset.


While, yes, self care can include face masks and bubble baths, what I’m really talking about (and what we really need right now) are things like:

  1. Getting enough sleep

  2. Moving your body

  3. Drinking plenty of water

  4. Eating well

  5. Deep breathing when you’re overwhelmed

All of these are great at keeping your physical body healthy and when you feel good physically, it’s easier to take care of your mental health as well.


Ward off any stress by keeping your vibration running high. Sticking with or starting a daily gratitude journal will help keep things in perspective during difficult times. I like to write down a minimum of 3 things I’m grateful for but often I just write as many things as I can until I’m out of ideas. They don’t have to be anything massive or complicated. You can literally write that you’re grateful for your health. You’re grateful for your pet (I include my dog in every single list). You’re grateful the toilet paper you have. It can literally be anything you’re grateful for and the more you do it, the more complex those things you’re grateful for will become. So just start and see where your mind takes you!

But make sure you really lean into the actual feeling of gratitude. Be mindful of what sensations you’re physically feeling throughout your body in this state of gratitude. This can heighten the affects of your practice helping you feel happier and less stressed about the current environment… not to mention that studies have shown that gratitude can actually help improve physical health as well.

If you’re still feeling that fear creep in, grab your journal and write it out. What’s your biggest fear? Why are you afraid? Can you do anything to control these fears? Just let your stream of consciousness flow. This is proven to help get those fears off your mind so you can get back into a state of abundance more easily.


Continuing the theme of journaling your fears, I’d recommend going back to your gratitude practice to see if you can reframe the particular fears you’re experiencing. Maybe you’re not grateful for them but maybe there’s an opportunity to see these fears in a new light. A couple of examples to illustrate my point:

  1. I’m afraid my family will get seriously sick and potentially die -> I’m grateful that my family is healthy right now.

  2. I’m worried my business will suffer from this economic downturn -> I have an opportunity to explore new avenues and find new streams of income to recession-proof my business.

  3. I’m concerned my community will be put on lockdown and my family will be stuck at home for 2 weeks -> I get to spend uninterrupted quality time with my family members that I may not typically get.

Your fears are 100% valid and reframing them doesn’t make them any less valid. The current climate is scary and very uncertain but you have the ability to see the light in these dark times which will not only help reduce your level of anxiety but it allows you to be proactive about your future.


Just because you’re responsibly practicing social distancing, doesn’t mean you can’t be social. Make it a routine to check-in with your loved ones. That can mean simply sending a text or FaceTiming with them to stay connected. You might not be able to be in the same room as some of them but you can still communicate with the people that make you feel your best. This means your mood will be significantly increased and you never know what that check-in could mean for the other person too!


There is a lot of panic setting in which is a natural response for each and everyone of us. However, that doesn’t mean we need to be consumed by it. Limiting the panic may mean:

  1. Turning off the news

  2. Getting off social media

  3. Setting boundaries with others about what you’re comfortable discussing

That doesn’t mean you can’t stay inform. Obviously you need to know what’s going on around you and how you can best protect yourself and your loved ones. It simply means that when you feel yourself getting overwhelmed by the outside chaos around you and you feel it creeping in, it may be time to take a step back and take a breather. Stay informed but protect your energy too.


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